
Showing posts from March, 2021


Information in today's age is significant for businesses, and networking exposes the likelihood of dangerous attacks from third parties. Antivirus Software Security is one among the aspects that the majority concerns companies today. Faced with the fear of suffering infections in their systems thanks to cyber-attacks or infections of some sort of malware, they have to implement security systems like Antivirus Software, Internet Security Software, etc. that allow guaranteeing the integrity of their data and recovery just in case of unavoidable losses. What Is Malware and the Way Does One Protect Your Company? When we mention malware (malicious software) we are pertaining to any sort of program or code whose function is damage an OS causing it to malfunction. Types of Malware We can define four main sorts of malware which will affect businesses: viruses, worms, Trojans, and ransomware. · Virus: Computer viruses are programs that are installed on a tool and cause it to malf


“A better Internet begins with you: living with respect for a secure Internet”. Until just a few years ago, the term Internet of Things (IoT) referred to a single device: the computer. However, with the advancement of new technologies, more and more IoT devices are available on the market. From mobiles or tablets, to watches, household appliances, medical devices and even toys. Although the possibilities offered by technology are endless, so are its risks. No one is exempt from being vulnerable, much less minors. A group that, at present, begins to use this type of device from a very early age without having enough information to make a safe and responsible use of these technologies. For this reason, and taking advantage of Safe Internet we are discussing top ten tips   for parents to ensure that their children use electronic devices in   a (cyber) safe way : 1. If your child is under 14 years old, do not allow him to open profiles on any type of social network Social media can b


Nowadays we all are tied to internet for each and every work we do and similarly few people are always in front of internet to grab your information you put on internet for some bad or illegal work. This people who take your information without your knowledge are called hackers. Yes, hacking is an offensive crime and is illegal but hackers do it irrespective of that. Let’s deep dive in this blog to know the six most basic ways of hacking and how can we safeguard our data and information from hackers. 6 Way of Hacking 1. Phishing What is Phishing? Phishing is a fake email taking on the appearance of legitimacy. Hackers make phishing emails through which they mean to steal your confidential information like passwords and bank account subtleties. This sort of email seems to have originated from a notable individual or association like your bank or organization that you work for. The email may have an attachment and requests that you download it. When you click on the download


Email is a widely used means of communicating. It is a service that is part of the daily life of many users and companies. However, it also has certain problems that can compromise security and privacy. Most security threats arrive via simple email. For this reason, in this article we have wanted to review some security tips and recommendations to avoid compromising our devices and our privacy through email. Most security threats arrive by email Cybercriminals set their sights on what is hosted by many users. An example is email, to which we must also add the wide range of possibilities it offers. By this we mean, for example, sending attachments. Also insert links, images, etc. Through an email, hackers could put the security of our computers at risk. This is something that affects private users but also companies. Precisely the latter, the security risks for companies, is something that has increased notably in recent times due to the lack of measures to avoid risks through e-mai


There are many ways that cybercriminals can take advantage of networked computers and other devices to spread malicious software, disrupt computer systems, and steal data. The impact and consequences of these online attacks can have real, and sometimes devastating, effects. With the increasing number of security cameras and other hardware connecting to the internet or internal networks, physical security solutions can be potential targets for cyber threats. That is why we focus on total security , also on what we call security to ensure that the physical security system itself does not introduce vulnerabilities into your network. Motivations and methods behind cyber attacks Cyber bullies can have many motivations, including curiosity, a desire to demonstrate their prowess by evading online security systems, or simply the desire to cause harm. But most of the time, money is the root of cyberattacks. Spyware Some attackers install malicious software called spyware on victims&


A "stalkerware", also known as "spouse ware", "stalker virus" or "software for spouses" is an application used to spy used by insecure users or who distrust their partners, who install the tool on their mobile, and thus they know every detail of what they look at, do, talk or search on the Internet. As we say, to make use of a stalkerware, the user must install the application on the mobile of the other person whom he wishes to investigate. In other words, you must manage the passwords for accessing the device and, in an "oversight" of the owner, download and install the stalkerware. Then, the spy user's computer is linked to the spied mobile and data such as location, text messages, notifications from social networks, the photos and videos that he takes with the mobile will automatically begin to arrive. But the holy grail of this software is having access to the calls and conversations you run with the device. Is it legal to use


It is a topic that is still true. A child comes without an instruction manual. And if there is, it should currently have several volumes, one of them dedicated to the Internet. Or rather, to everything that must be avoided on the Internet. If we want to protect or educate our underage children. And here comes the parental control . Whether you like it or not, the Internet has become a universal means of communication. An essential element to work, talk with your loved ones, have fun in your free time, learn and inform yourself. So whether or not you are familiar with the so-called network of networks, it is convenient to know what to avoid on the Internet. Or as the saying goes, extract the wheat from the chaff. The Internet is a great opportunity for children and adolescents to socialize, learn, have fun, express themselves and, in general, take advantage of the benefits it offers. But like everything in life, you also have to take precautions. Inappropriate content The fact tha


The more interconnected the digital world is, the greater the dangers to which both individuals and companies are exposed on the Internet. Therefore, cybersecurity in sectors such as information and communication technology is essential. For that reason, in the following post we present some basic tools to guarantee computer security and protect yourself from attacks on the internet. What Is Cybersecurity And How Can It Be Applied? The increase in the daily use of digital devices and the interconnection between them makes it necessary to pay special attention to computer security. To do this, it is only necessary to visualize how much data is processed each day on the computer, tablet or smartphone, how many accounts are used in the different applications of the various Internet platforms and how much bank and credit data are available sensitive information is consulted. All these data are susceptible to attacks and without protection, they are exposed to the actions of cybercriminal


To deal with this topic in depth, we must first answer the following question: by the way, what is cybersecurity ? This term was born from "Information security" and relates specifically to the protection of computer information - therefore data. Nowadays, where all things and people are interconnected, security measures are of paramount importance. What Form Does Cybercrime Take? One danger comes, for example, from the DarkNet (also called the Deep Web). In this Peer-to-Peer-Overlay network, the computers are connected manually and directly to each other. Participants can only join the network by invitation or acceptance. The exclusivity that such a network offers makes it an ideal meeting place for cybercriminals, who operate from this network. Almost every activity, communication or interaction in cyberspace should be viewed critically. We briefly present the biggest dangers below: Viruses are computer programs that spread on their own and pose a huge risk. They can


"Is it really necessary to possess an antivirus installed on my devices?" Giving an affirmative or negative answer to the present question, which is usually heard in several environments, from the foremost technical and specialist to finish users without much knowledge of technology, never takes a short time. It usually generates long discussions about the performance of the team, the usability of the safety solutions, the privacy of the user and variety of other topics that often extend the conversation. I am going to list few facts that will help you form an idea about what to do: 1. Diversity of threats Today there are many sorts of threats that we discover spreading and affecting users. Although the term " antivirus " was coined within the collective subconscious, this sort of tools have evolved from detecting only computer viruses to becoming complete security solutions, which give many other functionalities like firewall , antispam and anti-phishing filters


We all understand the Antivirus Software business model: you pay a license (or a monthly fee) and you have the right to use a program. And we also understand that when a software or online service is free, then the company that has made it earns income in another way, taking advantage of things like our data. Google and Facebook are the kings in this. Does it translate the same way with antivirus? In the case of paid antivirus, yes, because you simply pay a subscription or a license to be able to use them on your Windows computer. But what about the antivirus that are free? How do they get the money they need to keep running? The "freemium" model to take advantage of free attention One of the formulas that free antivirus uses is precisely to amass a good community of users and take advantage of it to promote a series of optional services that cost money. It is enough that a certain part of that community agrees to pay and we already have a business that sustains itself: